Video is the most DIFFICULT format to search!

no STORAGE can SEARCH inside videos today. AISPACE makes this a possibility!

This can only be done using AI and is especially useful if your work is media intensive!

Current search engines can only search for "Title" and "Metadata" of videos that is keyed manually. With Video AI, we are now able to extract data from videos. Adding this data to our World’s First Unified Search Engine, we are able index and search the content INSIDE the videos. Thus, making your organization's media (audio and video) searchable automatically!

This instantly unleashes the knowledge embedded inside your media assets!

Speech A.I.

The technology behind our Video AI is a powerful media processor that performs Speech-to-Text conversion on video or audio format. This media processor leverages Deep Neural Net (DNN) based Speech Recognition technology. 

AIspace’s Video AI will be launched soon! 
Watch here for updates!